Tucson, AZ, May 10, 2007 — The Flight Safety Foundation’s 52nd annual Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar (CASS) closed today after a successful two days of presentations and discussion. Sponsored jointly by FSF and the National Business Aviation Association, CASS is a leading opportunity for business aviation experts to gather and exchange information about the latest safety developments.
Nearly 450 attendees gathered in Tucson, Arizona, to hear topics discussed such as corporate safety management systems, the latest in maintenance issues, medical topics and the application of data management and monitoring.
“This is the largest CASS so far and that growth tells me that there is strong interest in the corporate aviation safety culture,” commented FSF President and CEO William R. Voss. “With so much growth and innovation in this field, it’s very important for operators to stay on top of the latest safety news, and this seminar is the leader in this effort.”
Representatives from more than 10 countries helped create the new record attendance. “CASS traditionally has drawn its audience largely from the United States, but we can credit the enormous international growth of corporate and business aviation for this increasing interest in CASS from around the world,” Voss stated.
The 53rd annual Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar is scheduled to be held April 29–May 1, 2008 at Innisbruck Resort and Golf Club in Palm Harbor, FL.
Flight Safety Foundation is an independent, non-profit, international organization engaged in research, auditing, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety. The Foundation’s mission is to pursue the continuous improvement of global aviation safety and the prevention of accidents. www.flightsafety.org
Contact: Emily McGee, Director of Communications, 1-703-739-6700, ext. 126; mcgee@staging.flightsafety.org