FEB. 4–6 — MRO Middle East. Aviation Week. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Helen Kang, <helen_kang@aviationweek.com>, <www.aviationweek.com>, +1 212.904.6305.
FEB. 11–16 — Singapore Airshow 2014. Experia Events. Singapore. <enquiries@singaporeairshow.com>, <www.singaporeairshow.com>, +65 6542 8660.
FEB. 17–18 — Safety Management Systems Short Course. Aerosafe Risk Management. Irving, Texas, U.S. Julie Rompel, <training@aerosafe.com.au>, +1 202.449.7693. (Also March 17–18, May 19–20, and June 16–17, 2014.)
FEB. 19–20 — Risk Management Short Course. Aerosafe Risk Management. Irving, Texas, U.S. Julie Rompel, <training@aerosafe.com.au>, +1 202.449.7693. (Also March 19–20, May 21–22, and June 18–19, 2014.)
FEB. 19–20 — European Business Aviation Safety Conference. Aviation Screening. Munich, Germany. Christian Beckert, <info@ebascon.eu>, <www.ebascon.eu>, +49 7158 913 44 20.
FEB. 24–27 — Heli-Expo 2014. Helicopter Association International. Anaheim, California, U.S. <heliexpo@rotor.org>, <rotor.org>, +1 703.683.4646.
March 4–5 — Air Charter Safety Symposium. Air Charter Safety Foundation. Ashburn, Virginia, U.S. Bryan Burns, <bburns@acsf.org>, <acsf.aero>, +1 703.647.6401.
MARCH 4–6 — World ATM Congress 2014. Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation. Madrid, Spain. Rugger Smith, <rugger.smith@worldatmcongress.org>, <worldatmcongress.org>, +1 703.299.2430.
MARCH 13–14 — 2Gether 4Safety Seminar & Expo. AviAssist Foundation. Entebbe, Uganda. <events@aviassist.org>, <2gether4safety.org>.
MARCH 18–19 — Approach and Go-Around Safety. Regional Airline Association. Orlando. Stacey Bechdolt, <bechdolt@raa.org>, <raa.org>.
MARCH 18–20 — African Aviation MRO Africa Conference & Exhibition. African Aviation. Johannesburg, South Africa. <www.africanaviation.com>.
MARCH 19–21 — ARSA Annual Repair Symposium and Legislative Fly-In. Aeronautical Repair Station Association. Arlington, Virginia, U.S. <www.arsa.org>.
MARCH 26–27 — Safety in Aviation Asia. Flightglobal. Singapore. Alex Aubrey, <alex.aubrey@rbi.co.uk>, <flightglobalevents.com/safetyasia14>, +44 (0)20 8652 4724.
MARCH 31–APRIL 2 — 10th Annual CHC Safety & Quality Summit. CHC Helicopter. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. <www.chcsafetyqualitysummit.com>.
MARCH 31–APRIL 2 — IATA Ops Conference 2014. International Air Transport Association. Bangkok, Thailand. <www.iata.org>.
APRIL 1–3 — World Aviation Training Conference and Tradeshow (WATS 2014). Halldale Group. Orlando, Florida, U.S. Zenia Bharucha, <zenia@halldale.com>, <halldale.com/wats#.Ub4RyhYTZCY>, +1 407.322.5605.
APRIL 1–3 — ERAU Unmanned Aircraft Systems Workshop. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Daytona Beach, Florida, U.S. Sara Ochs, <case@erau.edu>, <daytonabeach.erau.edu/usa>, +1 386.226.6928.
APRIL 8–10 — MRO Americas. Aviation Week. Phoenix. Helen Kang, <helen_kang@aviationweek.com>, <www.aviationweek.com>, +1 212.904.6305.
APRIL 16–17 — 59th annual Business Aviation Safety Summit (BASS 2014).
Flight Safety Foundation and National Business Aviation Association. San Diego. Namratha Apparao, <apparao@staging.flightsafety.org>, <flightsafety.org/bass>, +1 703.739.6700, ext. 101.
MAY 8–9 — 3rd Air Medical & Rescue Congress China 2014. China Decision Makers Consultancy. Shanghai. <cdmc.org.cn/2014/amrcc/>.
MAY 9 — Search & Rescue Forum China 2014. China Decision Makers Consultancy. Shanghai. Patrick Cool, <Patrick@pyxisconsult.com>, <cdmc.org.cn/2014/isrfc/>.
MAY 12–16 — SMS Expanded Implementation Course. The Aviation Consulting Group. Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S. Bob Baron, <bbaron@tacgworldwide.com>.
MAY 13–15 — RAA 39th Annual Convention. Regional Airline Association. St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. David Perez-Hernandez, <www.raa.org>, +1 312.673.4838.
MAY 20–22 — IATA Cabin Safety Conference. International Air Transport Association. Madrid, Spain <www.iata.org>.
MAY 21–22 — Asia Pacific Aviation Safety Seminar (APASS 2014). Association of Asia Pacific Airlines. Bangkok, Thailand. C.V. Thian, <cvthian@aapa.org.my>, +603 2162 1888.
MAY 24–25 — Rotortech 2014. Australian Helicopter Industry Association. Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
JUNE 10–11 — 2014 Safety Forum: Airborne Conflict. Flight Safety Foundation, Eurocontrol, European Regions Airline Association. Brussels, Belgium. <tzvetomir.blajev@eurocontrol.int>, <skybrary.aero>.
JUNE 30–JULY 2 — Safe-Runway Operations Training Course. JAA Training Organisation. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. <jaato.com>, +31 (0)23 56 797 90.
JULY 14–20 — 49th Farnborough International Airshow. Farnborough International. Farnborough, Hampshire, England. <enquiries@farnborough.com>, <farnborough.com>, +44 (0)1252 532 800.
OCT. 13–17 — ISASI 2014 Seminar. International Society of Air Safety Investigators. Adelaide, Australia. <www.isasi.org>.
NOV. 11–13 — 67th annual International Air Safety Summit. Flight Safety Foundation. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Namratha Apparao, <apparao@staging.flightsafety.org>, +1 703.739.6700, ext. 101.
Aviation safety event coming up?
Tell industry leaders about it.
If you have a safety-related conference, seminar or meeting, we’ll list it. Get the information to us early. Send listings to Frank Jackman at Flight Safety Foundation, 801 N. Fairfax St., Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314-1774 USA, or <jackman@staging.flightsafety.org>.
Be sure to include a phone number and/or an email address for readers to contact you about the event.