Flight Deck, In-depth Feature, Runway Safety
‘It’s Not Rotating’
The parking brake had not been released, and the Citation overran the relatively short runway…
Viewing 1 - 10 of 45 results
Flight Deck, In-depth Feature, Runway Safety
The parking brake had not been released, and the Citation overran the relatively short runway…
by Mark Lacagnina
The group’s report says inadequate funding has affected staffing, facilities and equipment.
by FSF Editorial Staff
NTSB head urges action to address the increase in runway incursions.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Accident Investigation, In-depth Feature, Maintenance Matters, Runway Safety
Jammed elevators stopped the MD-87 from rotating for takeoff, leading to a fiery runway overrun,…
by Linda Werfelman
New round of funding is in addition to millions already spent on reconfiguring taxiways and…
by FSF Editorial Staff
FSF in the News, Runway Safety
Foundation President and CEO Dr. Hassan Shahidi discusses runway safety with KNX radio.
by FSF Communications Staff
Accident/Incident Investigation, Human Factors, News, Runway Safety
A 757 crew focused on their descent, disregarding visual cues that they were heading for…
by Linda Werfelman
The NTSB says a February runway incursion began when a charter flight took off without…
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Runway Safety, Safety Recommendation
The Dutch Safety Board says aircraft should be stationary when pilots are performing recalculations following…
by Linda Werfelman
ATC/ATM, conflict zones, News, Runway Safety
ICAO has urged a new effort to win wider approval of the Safer Skies Initiative.
by FSF Editorial Staff