Aviation Weather, Data Sharing, News
Pact Calls for Improved Weather Reporting Over Data-Sparse Areas
An agreement between IATA and the World Meteorological Organization aims to draw more airlines into…
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results
Aviation Weather, Data Sharing, News
An agreement between IATA and the World Meteorological Organization aims to draw more airlines into…
by Linda Werfelman
News, Business Aviation, Data Sharing, Summits BASS
Despite flight safety experts’ advocacy of data collection and sharing programs, some business aviation operators…
by AeroSafety World Editorial Staff
Aviation stakeholder group is working to share safety knowledge without swapping data.
by Frank Jackman
News, Data Sharing, GSIP Related Articles
Greater cooperation among European aviation stakeholders is required to help the industry cope with increasing…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Blog, Data Sharing, GSIP Blogs and Opinions
I recently participated in a gathering organized by the U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration NHTSA).…
by Mark Millam
FSF in the News, Data Sharing, GSIP in the News
Flight Safety Foundation Vice President, Technical Mark Millam talked to the Runway Girl Network about…
by Runway Girl Network
The world’s most thorough, publicly available analysis of commercial aviation accident statistics is likely the…
by Frank Jackman | Editor-in-Chief
Safety Information Sharing and Protection, Data Sharing, Regional Safety
Safety data will help Asia and Pacific regions to ensure that initiatives address issues of…
by Wayne Rosenkrans
Safety Information Sharing and Protection, Data Sharing
Compelling membership benefits of the FAA ASIAS program attract the first operators from U.S. business…
by Wayne Rosenkrans